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About 72 Theatre

Everything you never wanted to know about 72 Theatre

Believe it or not, we’re working on this. Perhaps we answered one of your questions below?

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions*

*Questions that people probably will never ask, but we answer anyway.

Why is it called “72 Theatre”?

It was a name first used in college for a team formed for a 72 hour film competition. Theatre is spelled that weird way because “it looked sophisticated”. All videos coming out of 72 Theatre are, of course, sophisticated and high-class.

These videos are funny!

Thanks! Is that a question?

These videos are horrible!

Excellent. Still not a question.

I want to act in a video. How can you make this happen?

Please email along with a headshot, age, and a short bio of why in the world you would ever agree to work on one of these videos. (If you’re under 18, please have your parents submit this stuff).

I want to write a script or have an idea. How can you make this happen?

We are currently not accepting scripts because [insert reason]. If you submit a script or idea, it will [insert something that probably would never happen to the script, but would discourage them submitting the script.]

Who are the people behind 72 Theatre?

We’re working on bio pages. If you’re interested in hiring anyone for your project, send an email to and we will forward your message to them.