72 Theatre is proud to announce that their short film, “Recording in Progress”, will be premiering at the IMAX at the Indiana State Museum on Saturday, July 31st. The film is written and directed by Jeffrey Higgens and stars Erika Will and Lauren McDaniel. The cast also features Caleb Sinzinger, Katie Sinzinger, and Geoff Pahls. The 48 hour film project is a worldwide challenge where teams are given just 48 hours to write, shoot, and edit a short film. 72 Theatre is one of 23 teams from Indiana to participate in this year’s challenge. We hope you can join us for the premiere of “Recording in Progress”!
Admission is $10 for all attendees. The IMAX is located at 650 W. Washington St., Indianapolis, IN 46204. The screening for all the films will begin at Noon.
For ticket information: https://boxoffice.indyfilmfest.org/schedule/62cb3a5a0a200b0030bb9eeb
The film will premiere for free online August 1, 2022